Finished birthday presents
My niece also currently has a Minnie Mouse fascination, so I wanted to incorporate this into one of her presents. I looked at the available patterns and did not want to make her another blanket or a doll, so I decided to make her a shirt with a minnie on it of my own design. Unfortunately, I didn't know where to start, so I kept procrastinating. One night, though, I ran into an insomnia problem, so I sat up and got out my graph paper and my crochet supplies and went to work. This is what I came up with:
As you can see, I made it adjustable size-wise by using buttons in the back, which I think will hold up better on a toddler than ties, although I left ties around the neck. I will change them out for straps with buttons if my SIL prefers them. This is a versatile, top, though because any thing that fits in a 20 by 20 graph can be crocheted into the pattern.
I am debating whether or not its up to being submitted to a crochet mag as a design or whether I should just list it as a free design. Let me know what you think!