Update and my first pattern
Ok, on to the pattern part of this post. My sister-in-law finally located the bunny purse that I made for my youngest niece. She sent me a couple pictures, one of which I have posted below. I am also attaching the pattern that I wrote out. It is my first pattern ever, so please be patient with me. I tried to keep to the normal pattern writing method, but may have accidentally strayed.
Please note, this is my design and I hold the copyright and all associated rights to it. For further copyright details and usage restrictions, please see the statement at the bottom of this webpage.
Bunny Purse Pattern by Jenny Greig (c) 2006, All Rights Reserved:
Body + Ear 1:
Row 1: Ch 2, join in circle with sl st. Ch 1. Turn.
Row 2: sc 8 into round 1. Join with sl st. Ch 2. Turn
Row 3: dc into next stitch. 2 dc in ea. remaining sc of round 2. Join with sl. st. in top of last turning chain. Ch 2. Turn
Row 4: Repeat Row 3.
Row 5: dc in next 2 stitches. *2 dc in next st. 1 dc in next st.* Repeat through end of round. Join with sl st into top of last turning chain. Ch 1. Turn
Row 6 (1st ear): sc in first 3 dc. Ch 1. Turn
Row 7: sc across row. Ch1. Turn
Row 8: 2 sc in 1st st. sc in 2nd st. 2 sc in last st. Ch 1. Turn
Row 9 – 11: sc in ea. st. ch 1. Turn.
Row 12: dec. one stitch on ea. end. Ch 1. Turn.
Row 13: dec. first st. sc in last st. Ch 1. Turn
Row 14. dec. Tie off. (Choice: You can weave in your end now and use ribbon later for tieing ears together to form handle or you can double knot your ends and use to tie ears together in a bow.)
Ear two:
Row 1. Attach yarn to Row 5 approx. 11 stitches to the right from 1st ear. Sc 3 (there should now be approx. 8 stitches between ears). Ch 1. Turn.
Row 2-9: Repeat rows 7-14 of body.
Make 2 Bodies with 2 ears ea. Make sure ears are spaced identically on ea. body. Using a second color, and a yarn needle, stitch on face of your choice on ea. body. I chose to use the natural circle of the face with three stitches on the upper curve for the eyes, stitch around middle circle for nose. From bottom of nose, make a straight line down to next curve. Place 2 stitches curving up on each side of straight stitch from nose to form mouth.
Sew together bodies from the outside of one ear to the outside of the other ear, making sure bunny faces face outward. (Note, if you want a wider purse entrance, begin sewing together farther down body.
Join ears of one body to corresponding ear of other body at the very top. (Note, if you did not weave in yarn at end of ears, use yarn to knot ears together, then tie as a bow to hide knots. If you did weave in yarn, select ribbon or bow of desired color and use yarn need to thread through top of ears and tie together.)